Fiberglass Manufacturing
Australian designed, Australian made, Australian owned.
Many dust collector designs on the market are completely inappropriate for applications involving fiberglass. DCS has experience with manufacturing dust collectors for the fiberglass industry, and a few things that we learned on the way are:
Do not use vertical orientated bags as the fiberglass tends to bridge between filters causing a dramatic decrease in the lift of filters.
Do not use filters from a supplier that has a high filter cloth area. This will cause the filters to become blocked more often resulting in an expensive ongoing cost of replacing filters.
Ensure that your fan is always installed on the clean air side of the dust collector.
DCS recommends a cyclonic bag-house collector for fiberglass applications. The team at DCS are always happy to consult with clients about the best possible solution to meet the client’s specific needs.
Contact a trained engineer or technician at DCS to ensure you are getting the right advice.
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